Hewes Super Bowl Trophy
In: Updates
7 Feb 2011Participants,
This will be brief but just wanted to confirm the final standings for the 23rd year of HSBT, which just culminated with the Green Bay Packer victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers last night, 31-25.
With the marked absense of Pete the Terp (what happened?), we were forced to go to the old manual calculation mode to determine points for the SB45 game. After double and triple checking, here are the official results for HSBT23:
The closest race in the history of the HSBT, without a doubt. I will publish a detailed analysis of the game and the participants within the next few weeks, including updated historical records (and there were several this year).
We hope Pete the Terp is OK, as I have not heard back from him after repeated attempts to contact him yesterday prior to the kickoff.
~~ THE Commish
From its inception in 1989, the premier NFL Playoff football competition incorporates a dual-scoring system that rewards participants to not only pick the winning team, but also the game score with increasing significance every week