Archive for December, 2014

Participants, Well, we finally have determined the 12 teams that will compete for this year’s Super Bowl (SB49), and the playoffs start this Saturday with the WildCard round.  A few reminders before the real action begins as the 8 participants prepare to battle it out for the 27th HSBT: RULES Please read the “League Rules” […]

Welcome JTB!!

In: Updates

23 Dec 2014

By an overwhelming majority vote, JTB officially became the 8th active participant in the Hewes Super Bowl Trophy competition.  His application process was flawless and the other participants quickly welcomed him into the competition, which starts in January 2015.  JTB is an avid Cleveland Browns fan, so he will get the same sympathy as bestowed on […]

About HSBT

From its inception in 1989, the premier NFL Playoff football competition incorporates a dual-scoring system that rewards participants to not only pick the winning team, but also the game score with increasing significance every week


    Night & Day Over Arrowhead StadiumGreen Bay Packers HandIMG_0894IMG_0893IMG_0892IMG_0896
  • Greg the Great: Go Hawks and Bears! And good luck to all in HSBT 31!! [...]
  • gregory: The updated scores are still on the standings tab, they look current to me. [...]
  • Brian: I'm not getting any updates, last week either. Is it not found on the standings sheet anymore? [...]
  • The Commish: The Commish will be watching and keeping the scores updated real-time all weekend. I spend the whol [...]
  • gregory: Is the Commish going to be able to keep the scores updated with that Sunday night game going in 2OT! [...]