Hewes Super Bowl Trophy
In: Updates
3 Feb 2018Participants,
In case you’re interested, here is a link to the NFL’s Official Program for the game. Fun read and over 260 pages (includes advertising…)
Super Bowl LII Official Program
We already have 1 pick officially submitted for tomorrow’s game (The Commish only sees who submitted the pick, not the game score), so somebody is very confident!
A Few Final Thoughts
Head to the grocery store early today, as I’ve noticed that many of the key ingredients for the most popular SB delicacies are now in short supply. Also, please be sure you are current with your TV subscription bill (has anyone switched to YouTube TV yet? The Commish will be looking at that as a new option to “cut the cord” and save a few $$. Looks pretty enticing and all you really need is the Roku functionality). If you have decided to go to the game, let me know where you are sitting and what food vendors you plan to visit (reference my earlier email on food options). Let us know if you try the regional favorite – lutefisk (I did notice that there is no shortage of lye in the stores). You can find that near Section 322.
Interesting Tidbits
Enjoy the game and excitement of knowing who will be the winner of the HSBT Trophy!
~~ The Commish
From its inception in 1989, the premier NFL Playoff football competition incorporates a dual-scoring system that rewards participants to not only pick the winning team, but also the game score with increasing significance every week