League Expansion Update

In: Updates

24 Dec 2024


I am pleased to announce that we have completed our league expansion, adding 2 new participants to the HSBT competition.  This brings our active participation to its highest level ever.  Please welcome our newest members, City Kid and THE Chose One!  You may check out their profiles on our league website (hewessbt.com).

I must also inform each of you that Ben The Butler has submitted his official retirement papers.  His nagging series of injures has kept him on IR for the past several seasons.  We will begin the process of calculating his retirement benefits and when they will become available to him.  We wish him well in his next chapter.

In a very short few weeks I will be sending out a rules refresher before the start of the 2025 NFL playoffs.  I’m sure everyone has their eyes on wrestling away the trophy from JTB.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

The Commish

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About HSBT

From its inception in 1989, the premier NFL Playoff football competition incorporates a dual-scoring system that rewards participants to not only pick the winning team, but also the game score with increasing significance every week


    Night & Day Over Arrowhead StadiumGreen Bay Packers HandIMG_0894IMG_0893IMG_0892IMG_0896
  • Greg the Great: Go Hawks and Bears! And good luck to all in HSBT 31!! [...]
  • gregory: The updated scores are still on the standings tab, they look current to me. [...]
  • Brian: I'm not getting any updates, last week either. Is it not found on the standings sheet anymore? [...]
  • The Commish: The Commish will be watching and keeping the scores updated real-time all weekend. I spend the whol [...]
  • gregory: Is the Commish going to be able to keep the scores updated with that Sunday night game going in 2OT! [...]